St. Francis Episcopal Church

We have been called to heal wounds, to unite what has fallen apart, and to bring home those who have lost their way.

- Saint Francis of Assisi


We Worship Together


St. Francis Of Assisi

Our aspirations for our community of faith are rooted in the tradition of The Episcopal Church and the joy of the Gospel, and are inspired by our patron, Saint Francis of Assisi. St. Francis saw God in the beauty of decaying churches, nature, and ornate cathedrals. We strive to similarly find beauty amidst brokenness.

We are called to go and rebuild the church. We are finding ways of being "church" that aren't just about worship. We are finding ways to share the gift of grace that we have experienced in our lives so that all might be blessed by the love of Christ.  

The Episcopal Church

We are Episcopalians: our worship is rooted in the Book of Common Prayer. We sing hymns that are found in The Hymnal, Lift Every Voice and Sing, and songs that unite us to other traditions.

We believe that there is a place in our church for everyone with questions about faith. Wherever you are on your journey of faith: know that you are welcome here.

The Episcopal Church is a unique blend of Catholicism and Protestantism, which ordains women, and members of the LGBTQ community. Similarly, we celebrate same-sex weddings within the Episcopal Church.

Our Mission Statement

“Jesus Christ has given us a new life.

We go forward to boldly proclaim Him by word,

by sacrament and deed,

so that others may come to know Him as Savior, Lord and Friend.”

Adopted November 16, 1991


If you would like more information about the Episcopal Church or about our community in particular, please fill out the form below or give us a call. We would love to help you find your place here with us. 

Please know that you are always welcome. Come discern and build with us.